The Deities’ Island Odyssey
Buy a Grab Bag
Browse NFT

Offer a Lamp to the Deities

Hey, after all the chaos and anxiety this year, do you have any wish for the new year? Deities hiding in the lost Heaven are willing to guide you and retrieve their lost power. If you offer a lamp to the deities, they will help you through the dark days and shine like a diamond! When the time comes and the deities retrieve their power, you will have more chances to meet them again.

✦ Open for Reservation ✦ From now on ~ Feb. 28, 2022

✦ How to offer a lamp ✦ If you purchase and possess one of the "Lamp of Illumination", "Lamp of Wenchang", "Lamp of Marriage", "Lamp of Fortune", and "Lamp of Taisui" NFTs, we will offer a lamp for you in an actual temple based on the category of the NFT you possess. *You will be regarded as giving up the right to offer a lamp if the information needed is not provided before Feb. 28, 2022.

2022 Chinese Zodiac Predictions

生肖 建議安燈 歲數 注意事項
太歲燈 1、13、25、37、49、61、73、85 太歲入宮,在本年中宜安太歲,祈求平安。
光明燈 2、14、26、38、50、62、74、86 太陽拱照。
光明燈 3、15、27、39、51、63、75、87 喪門入宮,忌行喪、探病,以免招災,宜安燈大吉。
光明燈 4、16、28、40、52、64、76、88 太陰當權,男女慎防桃花、劫財,女人吉,安燈大吉。
光明燈 5、17、29、41、53、65、77、89 五鬼、官符入宮,交友小心,恐有官訟、牢獄之災,宜制五鬼安燈。
光明燈 6、18、30、42、54、66、78、90 死符入宮,防賊、劫財、勿探病,宜安燈大吉。
太歲燈 7、19、31、43、55、67、79、91 歲破,大耗入宮,破財、是非、口舌,宜安太歲祈求平安。
光明燈 8、20、32、44、56、68、80、92 紫微星高照。
光明燈 9、21、33、45、57、69、81、93 白虎入限,注意行車安全、血光、破財、孝服等災,宜制白虎。
光明燈 10、22、34、46、58、70、82、94 福德照臨,每月初一、十五日祈求福德星君。
光明燈 11、23、35、47、59、71、83、95 天狗入運,行車小心、恐有血光,宜制天狗。
光明燈 12、24、36、48、60、72、84、96 病符入限,注意身體多病、勿探病,勿食喪喜物,安燈大吉。
安燈事項: 太歲燈
歲數: 1、13、25、37、49、61、73、85
注意事項: 太歲入宮,在本年中宜安太歲,祈求平安。

Which lamp should you offer?

  • ✦ Lamp of Illumination:
    Suitable for all; to have blessings and good luck for the bright future in the coming year.
  • ✦ Lamp of Taisui:
    Those whose Chinese zodiac is tiger, monkey, snake, and pig shall offer a lamp of Taisui for a safe year.
  • ✦ Lamp of Wenchang:
    Suitable for students and those who hopes for the promotion.
  • ✦ Lamp of Marriage:
    Suitable for single people looking for a good partner; suitable for couples wishing to have a happy relationship/marriage.
  • ✦ Lamp of Fortune:
    Suitable for those who whish to make a fortune or a great career.

Good Luck Coming with the Tiger

Tiger is the beast in the forest but also an assistant of the deities on which they ride. 2022 is the year of tiger, and the tamed tiger will be the guard of the year and start a bright year for all. 5 different categories of NFTs are now available, including "Lamp of Illumination", "Lamp of Wenchan", "Lamp of Marriage", "Lamp of Fortune", and "Lamp of Taisui"; 3000 NFTs for each category are on sale and will be minted on the Polygon blockchain with the token standard of ERC-1155. Prices of each category are listed as below: US$31.83 for each "Lamp of Illumination", "Lamp of Wenchang", and "Lamp of Taisui"; US$35.81 for each "Lamp of Marriage"; US$60.50 for each "Lamp of Fortune".

Offer a Lamp to Receive Blessings

"Lamp" symbolizes the light in one's innermost and wisdom. It is not only a way to express the reverence to the deities and accumulate good karmas but also to ease worries and have a bright future. Later on there are different categories of lamps offered to the deities in charge. Therefore, during the new year, you can go to the website and choose a lamp, and we will go to the temple to "offer a lamp" for you. May you have a safe and lucky year with the blessings of the deities!

Click to Offer a Lamp

Owl! My bag

【Owl! My bag - Seafood】

NT$ 1,500/bag (min. NT$ 3,745 value and max. NT$ 5,750 value if winning the lucky draw)
【Owl! My bag - Seafood】

Hifish's Seafood Grab Bag & Lake-House Resort or Lamp of Illumination

NT$ 1,500 each. Includes at least price of NT$ 3,745, NT$ 5,750 at most. Lamp offering service: We will offer a lamp of illumination in one of the temples: Qing'an Temple in Keelung, Fengtian Temple in Lugang, and Tianhou Temple in Lugang.

Each bag includes
Buy a "Owl! My bag - Seafood"

I. Every grab bag includes below prizes: 1. One-year OwlTing Group Premium Membership: Market price NT$ 2,390 (1) Any purchase in OwlTing Market enjoys 10% off discount for all products; for an order over NT$ 500 after discounts applied, you will get free delivery. (2) Any purchase in OwlTing Experience enjoys 7% off discount for all tours. (3) Any purchase in OwlJourney enjoys 5% off discount for all accommodations. 2. OwlTing Market "Seafood Grab Bag": Market price NT$ 1,355. Includes Hifish's "Pacific Rudderfish (3-6 fish)" 1 pack., "Halibut Slic" 1 pack., "Salmon Steak" 1 pack., "Premium Oyster from Hiroshima" 1 pack., and "Japanese Sea Bass Fillet" 1 pack. II. Lucky draw: a grab bag may include one of the following prizes: 1. One-night free accommodation of specified roomtype in "Lake-house Resort" in Hualien on OwlJourney. 2. Lamp offering service: OwlTing will offer a lamp of illumination for you or a member of your family in one of the temples: Qing'an Temple in Keelung, Fengtian Temple in Lugang, and Tianhou Temple in Lugang.


【Owl! My bag - Rice】

NT$ 1,200/bag (min. NT$ 3,440 value and max. NT$4,520 value if winning the lucky draw)
【Owl! My bag - Rice】

Taiyuan Valley Rice Grab Bag & day tour to Alangyi or Lamp of Illumination

NT$ 1,200 each. Includes at least price of NT$ 3,440, NT$ 4,520 at most. Lamp offering service: We will offer a lamp of illumination in one of the temples: Qing'an Temple in Keelung, Fengtian Temple in Lugang, and Tianhou Temple in Lugang.

Each bag includes
Buy a "Owl! My bag - Rice"

I. Every grab bag includes below prizes: 1. One-year OwlTing Group Premium Membership: Market price NT$ 2,390 (1) Any purchase in OwlTing Market enjoys 10% off discount for all products; for an order over NT$ 500 after discounts applied, you will get free delivery. (2) Any purchase in OwlTing Experience enjoys 7% off discount for all tours. (3) Any purchase in OwlJourney enjoys 5% off discount for all accommodations. 2. OwlTing Market "Rice Grab Bag": Market price NT$ 1,050. Includes Taiyuan Valley Monkey Rice "Premium Black Rice 600g", "Premium Red Rice 600g", and "Platium Sushi Rice 1550g". II. Lucky draw: a grab bag may include one of the following prizes: 1. OwlTing Experience: "Tour to Alangyi Historic Trail" Depart from Hengchun|One-day Tour to Alangyi Trail along the Coast. 2. Lamp offering service: OwlTing will offer a lamp of illumination for you or a member of your family in one of the temples: Qing'an Temple in Keelung, Fengtian Temple in Lugang, and Tianhou Temple in Lugang.


The gods and goddess have been watching. When offering a lamp, you are having a conversation with the dieties. Let them know your wishes and help them retrieve their power. See, hold on to your faith and things will go your way. Your prayers have been answered, and three of the deities will come and start their odyssey on the island from March, 2022; more will come in the future. The deities are about to set off the island odyssey to meet you!

Coming Soon